My flight arrived in Munich around 2:45pm. The flight from Madrid to Munich was about 2.5 hours. I was hoping to collect my luggage as quickly as possible and dash for the train that leaves the airport at 3:02pm for Innsbruck where my friend Leif Crepaz would meet me before he heads off for his meeting. I was already dressed for the meeting from Madrid just in case I made the 3:02pm train. There was much delay in collecting my luggage, and with only few minutes left, there was no way I could do any dashing with for a train with the luggage I had. Furhtermore, I needed to pruchase a ticket to get on the train which was going to cause further delay. So I resorted to the second option that Leif gave me; I pruchased a ticket for the 5:00pm train which meant that I would need to change trains twice before I reach my final destination. While waiting at the airport train station, I couldn't understand the announcement on the PA system because it was only in German, so I asked a young lady standing next to me if the next train was the one I needed to get on. She spoke English fluently said she was also going in my direction, so I sat in the same carriage with her. Our first change over was at the Munich East station and we had an hour before the next train would arrive, so we went for a cup of coffee in a cafe at the train station as it was cold and rainy outside. I asked the young lady if I could take a photo of us for my blog and she agreed:

After talking for a while I learnt that her name is Magdalina and that she is currently training to be a business teacher at Insbruck University in Austria. We exchanged views about teaching and the joys and challenges that come with the profession. When it was time to catch the train, she explained that the next station that I planned to get off was a small one with no shops, so it was best to wait at Insbruck where she was getting off because there were lots of shops and facilities available at that station. That suggestion came in handy, because after Magdalina departed at Insbruck, I learnt that my train to Landeck was delayed about 40 minutes, so I found a restaurant and had something to eat. When it was close to arrival time, I went to the platform where my train was to arrive. After it was past the arrival time, I noticed the name of the destination was changed and an announcement was made, but I not idea what was said. There were only a couple of people waiting on the platform, a lady and her teenage son were sitting close by and apparently were waiting on the same train as well, so I asked them whether the train was still coming.

Well when I reached the station where Leif told me to get off, I gave him a call and he was there in about 15 minutes to get me. The last time I saw Leif was 10 years ago when we travelled together on a World tour for about 2 months. About 5 years ago he got married and invited me to his wedding, but because of work and financial constraints I couldn't make it. Now I am happy to visit him, his wife Elena and thier daughter (my neice) Stella. Photos of Leif, Elena, Stella and me at their flat:
I had a good sleep that night and woke around 11:30am (Monday), but Leif had already left for work. Leif works as a teacher of business subjects at a Business/Technical College. He works about 10 minutes from home and usually comes home for lunch, so we all had lunch together. Later Elena made dinner and invited Klaus and Andrea, my first new Austrian friends:
On Tuesday I joined Reinhard out in the door to door ministry. After walking for about 45 minutes in -3C degrees, Reinhard suggested that we head back to his place for a cup of hot tea and I had no objections. Through our conversation, I discovered that he was the true Intrepid Traveller. It was interesting to hear about his surjourne in Africa, Sir Lanka and China:
I joined Leif and Elena for lunch and then later in the after noon Leif accompanied me to the dentist as my translator. I had to see the dentist because during my last day in Spain, while eating a salad, I munched on an olive with a hard pip and broke part of a tooth (a molar) which caused much discomfort. The dentist did a good job:
After the dentist leif and I walked around Landeck, and he showed me some of the historic sights. One of the highlights of Landeck is the 13th-century Burg Landeck castle which dominates from its position above the town13th-century Burg Landeck castle dominates from its position above the town:
Leif and Elena had their book study on Tuesday night, so we had to rush back home and get ready for the book study (7:00pm). The book study was held at Gunter's (in green shirt) and Simonet's (black top) home. After the book study, we had snacks:
On Wednesday morning I stayed home and worked on my blog, which took me a long time because I had to contend with translating the German language to English to understand basic commands as no one was around to assist me. Later in the evening I made Jamaican Jerk Chicken dinner for Leif, Elena and three friends (Reinhard, Bethina and Marina). I had brought a bottle of Jerk seasoning from London with me, so I used it. Leif remembered when I made Jerk chicken in Fiji 10 years ago and requested it again. We had a great evening eating and then dancing afterwards:
An exciting journey to Italy and Switzerland!
On Thrusday afternoon Leif and I set out to explore Swiss Alphs and neighbouring Italy. Landeck is situated in the district of Tirol and is nestled in a valley that is surrounded by the magnificent Alpine mountain ridges. Tirol borders Switzerland on the West and Italy on the South. Many ancient medieval castles dominate the landscapes around the Tirol region. The Language spoken in Austria is German so is the language spoken in Switzerland. The people who live in the region of Italy that borders Austria speak both German and Italian.
A few photos of the magnificient views driving through the Alpine mountains in Switzerland:
We then set off to visit a small Italian town called Glurns situated in Southern Tirol. On the way we passed some interesting sights. Among these sights

Below are photos of the small town of Glurns. It is the only remaining town in South Tirol with a frotress wall surrounding it:

Below are photos of the small town of Glurns. It is the only remaining town in South Tirol with a frotress wall surrounding it:

Friday morning at 8:00am were invited by Klaus and Andrea for breakfast at their home. There we met Sandro who was also invited for breakfast:

After lunch Leif, Elena, Stella and I took a trip to visit the Natural Park Kaunergrat located in the nereby mountains of Landeck. This area is is characterized by a breathtaking natural space share by Austria, Italy and Switzerland:

After our visit to the natural park, we rushed home and got ready for the meeting. The meeting was in German, so I understood little of what was said, but nevertheless I was alert throughout. At one point I helped with Stella during the meeting:

After the meeting a few of us met at a local restaurant for supper:

I had to get home to pack as I would be leaving at 4:00am to catch the 4:15am train to Munich. Elena and Lief were up early to see me off. It was sad to say good bye to Leif and Elena. Leif took me to the Landeck train station which was about 5 minutes away, and shortly afterward I was off to Munich to catch my next flight to Japan!

After our visit to the natural park, we rushed home and got ready for the meeting. The meeting was in German, so I understood little of what was said, but nevertheless I was alert throughout. At one point I helped with Stella during the meeting:

After the meeting a few of us met at a local restaurant for supper:

I had to get home to pack as I would be leaving at 4:00am to catch the 4:15am train to Munich. Elena and Lief were up early to see me off. It was sad to say good bye to Leif and Elena. Leif took me to the Landeck train station which was about 5 minutes away, and shortly afterward I was off to Munich to catch my next flight to Japan!